Advanced Fingertip Control / Marlo, Edward / CARDS

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Marlo, Edward

"Advanced Fingertip Control" was privately released by Edward Marlo in 1970. Like many of Eddie's privately distributed works, it contained many effects and techniques that came as a wonderful surprise to those expecting only techniques suggested by the title.

After all these years, it is surprising how little known and seldom employed Eddie's efforts are at present. By releasing this information, long unavailable, to the devotees of Ed Marlo's massive contributions to the literature, perhaps the power of this knowledge will be unleashed to a greater degree.

It is a tribute to the tireless efforts of Ed Marlo that this material is as completely deceptive to magicians and laymen alike in 2001, as it was when developed by Eddie in the 1960's. Like fine wine, this taste of Marlo magic has only grown sweeter with age.

158 Page Paperback Manuscript with photograph illustrations.

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